Diego Elias Costa
Hi, I am Diego and this was my academic space. Please visit my group’s lab website REALISELab as this website will no longer be updated.
I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) department of Concordia University
- If you are interested in joining my research group, please check the prospective students page.
Before, I worked as an Assistant Professor with the Computer Science department at UQAM in Montréal, Canada. I was a postdoctoral researcher at Concordia University, Canada, working with Prof. Emad Shihab. I received my PhD from Heidelberg University, Germany in the Parallel and Distributed Systems Group of Prof. Andrzejak.
I am interested in Software Engineering Research. In a few words, I want to reduce the burden on software developers by tackling aspects related to software maintenance and software performance. I like to leverage historical project data (e.g., GitHub) through Data Mining methods and apply Machine Learning and Statistical Analysis techniques to understand the problems developers face and provide insights/solutions to alleviate the issues.
For details about my research, please check my publication list.
Research Interests
- Software Engineering
- Performance Engineering
- Software Ecosystems
- Mining Software Repositories
- Software Development Bots
- May 2024: I am thrilled to announce that FRQNT has funded my research program “Harnessing Software Ecosystems to Support Library Maintainers”, as part of the Support for New Academics program.
- April 2024: Rachna received the Best Student Presentation Award at MSR for her presentation on the work “The role of library versions in Developer-ChatGPT conversations”. Congratulations Rachna!
- January 2024: Our paper “The role of library versions in Developer-ChatGPT conversations” was accepted at the MSR 2024 Mining Challenge track!
- January 2024: Our paper “Predicting the Impact of Crashes Across Release Channels” was accepted in the Industry Track of MSR 2024!
- December 2023: I will be part of the program committee of ICSE 2025.
- October 2023: Our paper “SE4AI: A Training Program Considering Technical, Social, and Professional Aspects of AI-based Software Systems” was accepted at the IEEE Software journal.
- August 2023: Our paper “Understanding the Helpfulness of Stale Bot for Pull-based Development”” was accepted in the TOSEM journal!
- July 2023: New chapter of my academic career! I am thrilled to announce that I will be joining the CSSE department at Concordia University as a tenure-track assistant professor!
- July 2023: Our paper “Where to Go Now? Finding Alternatives for Declining Packages in the npm Ecosystem” was accepted at ASE 2023!
- Jun 2023: Our paper “An Empirical Study on Bugs Inside PyTorch: A Replication Study” was accepted at ICSME 2023! Pre-print coming soon.
- May 2023: Our paper “Empirical analysis of security-related code reviews in npm packages” was accepted in the JSS journal! Pre-print coming soon.
- May 2023: Our paper “Dependency Update Strategies and Package Characteristics” was accepted in the TOSEM journal!
- Apr 2023: I am thrilled to announce that I receive a NSERC Discovery grant to work on Dependency Management problems! Hiring of students will start soon!
- Mar 2023: Our paper “Empirical analysis of security vulnerabilities in Python packages” was published in the EMSE journal!
- Dec 2022: Our paper “Diversity Awareness in Software Engineering Participant Research” was accepted at ICSE SEIS track!
- Dec 2022: Our paper “Empirical Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Python Packages” was acceped in the EMSE journal! Pre-print coming soon
- Nov 2022: Our paper “Can Ensembling Pre-processing Algorithms Lead to Better Machine Learning Fairness?” was accepted in the IEEE Computing journal!
- Oct 2022: Our paper “On the Discoverability of npm Vulnerabilities in Node.js Projects” was accepted in the TOSEM journal!
- Aug 2022: Our paper “Achievement Unlocked: A Case Study on Gamifying DevOps Practices in Industry” was accepted in the ESEC/FSE indutry track!
- Aug 2022: New chapter of my academic career! I will join the Computer Science Department of Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) as a tenure-track assistant professor!
- July 2022: Our paper “Not All Dependencies are Equal: An Empirical Study on Production Dependencies in NPM” was accepted in the ASE conference!
- July 2022: I will be the co-chair of the Data Challenge Track of ICPE 2023! Stay tuned for more info.
- Jun 2022: Our paper “Open Source Software: An Approach to Controlling Usage and Risk in Application Ecosystems” was accepted in the SPLC conference!
- Apr 2022: Our paper “On Wasted Contributions: Understanding the Dynamics of Contributor-Abandoned Pull Requests” was accepted in the TOSEM journal!
- Mar 2022: Our paper “A case study on the stability of performance tests for serverless applications” was accepted in the JSS journal!
- Mar 2022: We will present 3 TSE papers at ICSE 2022 as a journal first presentation. Check our their pre-print here:
- Feb 2022: Our paper “Toward The Personalization of Biceps Fatigue Detection Model For Gym Activity” was accepted in the Sensors journal!
- Jan 2022: I will be part of the Program Committees of MSR 2022, ICSME 2022, and SCAM 2022!
- Oct 2021: Our paper “Towards Using Package Centrality Trend to Identify Packages in Decline” has been accepted in IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management!
- Oct 2021: Our paper “Human Activity Recognition: A Comparative Study to Assess the Contribution Level of Accelerometer, ECG, and PPG Signals” has been accepted in the Sensors journal!
- Sep 2021: Honored to have received the award for Distinguished Reviewer at ICSME 2021!
- Aug 2021: Our paper “Dependency Smells in JavaScript Projects” was accepted at IEEE TSE!
- July 2021: Our paper “How do developers use the Java Stream API?” was accepted at ICCSA’21!
- May 2021: Our paper “A Comparison of Natural Language Understanding Platforms for Chatbots in Software Engineering” was accepted at IEEE TSE!
- Mar 2021: I will be part of the Program Committee at SCAM 2021.
- Mar 2021: I will be part of the Program Committee at SBES 2021.
- Feb 2021: Our paper “On the Use of Dependabot Security Pull Requests” was accepted at MSR’21!
- Feb 2021: Our paper “How Effective is Continuous Integration in Indicating Single-Statement Bugs?” was accepted at the MSR’21 - Mining Challenge track!
- Feb 2021: Our paper “Breaking Type-Safety in Go: An Empirical Study on the Usage of the unsafe Package” was accepted at IEEE TSE!
- Feb 2021: Our paper “On the Impacts and Implications of Biceps Muscle Fatigue in Human Activity Recognition” was accepted in the Sensors Journal!
- Jan 2021: I will be part of the program committee of ICSME 2021.
- Jan 2021: Our paper “Empirical Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Python Packages” got accepted at SANER 2021!
- Dec 2020: I will be part of the program committee of MSR 2021, both in the Techinal Track and the Registered Reports track.
- Nov 2020: I will be part of the program committee of BotSE 2021.